By Bye Theo
Theo Gries (pic stolen from Tennis Observer)
After the defeat on Sunday (1-2 vs Eberswalde) a special meeting at TeBe dropped Theo Gries as trainer today. This came as no surprise to the fans.
From the official TeBe website:
Als Folge des bisher sehr schwachen Saisonverlaufs für unsere Oberligamannschaft wurde heute Nachmittag mit sofortiger Wirkung Trainer Theo Gries von seinem Posten freigestellt. In den nächsten Tagen wird man sich um eine faire Lösung bemühen, den Vertrag in beidseitigem Einvernehmen aufzulösen. Während der Verein sich um einen Interimslösung bis zur Winterpause bemüht, leitet das Training zur Zeit Co-Trainer Marko Maschke, der jedoch definitiv nicht als Cheftrainer arbeiten wird. Nunmehr soll der Trainermarkt gewissenhaft sondiert werden, um bis zur Winterpause einen geeigneten Gries-Nachfolger zu verpflichten.
Or for the English speakers out there:
As a consequence of the up til now weak run this season for our Oberliga team, trainer Theo Gries was dismissed this afternoon from his post with immediate effect. We will be trying in the next few days to come to a fair solution to mutually agree to the breaking of our contract. While the club attempts to come to an interim solution up until the winter break, training will be led by the co-trainer Marko Maschke, who will definitively not working as head coach. Subsequently the available coaches will be scouted in order to find a suitable succesor to Gries up until the winter break.
Good luck for the future Theo and thanks for all you have done for the club.
While most fans will be pleased that the club is finally taking action in the light of our current results, many fans will be sorry to see Theo go. There were tears in Block E on Sunday as Theo came over almost to the edge of the pitch and waved a final goodbye and many fans crowded outside the press conference to hear his after match report for the final time. But the feelings for Theo are not all just because of a shared past, many of the fans afterwards outside the press conference felt that Theo personally was not to be blamed for the team's bad form. For some of them it will come as quite a blow to hear that one of the men they blame is now running training and only a small consolation to hear that he will definitively not be acting as head coach as a replacement, at least for the time being.
According to BZ, Taskin Aksoy the youth trainer will be on the bench as head coach on Friday.