TeBe Party Army

E- Block International - A Weblog for "Away Fans" of Tennis Borussia Berlin.

Friday, May 05, 2006

The Final

A date for your diaries. Be there!


  • At 5:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sounds like the season's ending well; with Scheissunion out the way do you think promotion's a possibility?

    End-of-season is always a bit depressing if you're not playing for much , I've been seriously questioning my sanity continuing to go and watch Bristol Rovers to get my football fix.

    Congrats to Southend as well, never been there - is it like Suedende in Berlin?



  • At 3:38 PM, Blogger jimhancot said…

    i keep pestering him, he's just a lazy drunk :)


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