TeBe Party Army

E- Block International - A Weblog for "Away Fans" of Tennis Borussia Berlin.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Friday Night

From the mother ship:

Rückrundenstart verschoben

Angesichts der weiterhin winterlichen Witterungsverhältnisse wenig überraschend hat soeben eine Platzkommission das Mommsenstadion für unbespielbar erklärt. Das für morgen Abend angesetzte Auftaktspiel der Oberliga-Rückrunde gegen den Ludwigsfelder FC fällt somit vorerst aus.

This basically translates as:

The pitch is still iced up! You could have guessed really.
No match against Ludwigsfelder at home tomorrow
Andy has to wait another week for live football.

This is terrible news and however expected it was, it comes as a serious personal blow.

UPDATE 9th February:

The 2 away matches against Union on the 10th and 14th of Feb have also both been cancelled.



  • At 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Considering my current status and mood all I can say to that is:

    4 games a week! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    Bring it on!

    No seriously I will update some sort of fixture list here soon when I get the latest infos. Check in an hour or two.


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