TeBe Party Army

E- Block International - A Weblog for "Away Fans" of Tennis Borussia Berlin.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


From TeBe.de

Erfolgreich abgeschlossen

Wir gratulieren unserem Co-Trainer Marko Maschke, der vergangene Woche in der DFB-Sportschule Köln seine Ausbildung zum Fußballlehrer erfolgreich abgeschlossen hat.

In English: Congratulations go to our Co-Trainer Marko Maschke, who successfully completed his training qualifications as a football coach at the German Football Association's Sport School in Cologne last week.

I guess thats the same as a coaching certificate but I cannot be sure. Any ideas Part-Timer?

Interesting to see how many fans feel the need to congratulate Marko Maschke. The influence of the 2 brothers on the club is still seen as negative by many fans.


  • At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "by many fans"

    and you?


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